Remembering Steve Jobs

Richard Branson sat in chair with plants in the background
Image by
Virgin Galactic
Richard Branson's signature
Published on 7 October 2011

I woke this morning to hear the sad news that Steve Jobs has lost his battle with cancer. He was a truly great businessman, but more than that he was an inspiration to young people, entrepreneurs, inventors, designers, early adopters, budding musicians, and people with disabilities who discovered with Apple's devices a way to engage with the world.

So many people drew courage from Steve and related to his life story - adoptees, college drop-outs, struggling entrepreneurs, ousted business leaders figuring out how to make a difference in the world, and people fighting debilitating illness. We have all been there in some way and can see a bit of ourselves in his personal and professional successes and struggles.

He inspired with his direct message: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life...have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." And yet, despite all his success - he never forgot what was really important in life and was a much loved family man. My thoughts are with Laurene and his family. He will be sorely missed.