If I had 65 minutes to live
If you only had 65 minutes to live - what would you do in that time?
This question was sent me to by Roger Atkins, as part of my #ChallengeRichard quest. While I’m not one to dwell on ‘what ifs’, I felt that this one provided me with a good opportunity to reflect on what I am most grateful for in life. So here goes…
If I only had 65 minutes to live…
I would invite all my family and friends, including all the members of the Virgin family, and have a huge party wherever I was. If I was at home on Necker Island – perfect!
When it comes down to it, the things that matter most to me are my family, friends and home, plus the great work we’ve been able to achieve through Virgin, and having fun.
I’d invite my long-time friends Mike Oldfield, Peter Gabriel and The Rolling Stones to perform – in homage to the Virgin Records days that started it all. We’d dance on the beach, enjoy a few drinks, and feast on my wife’s shepherd's pie.
I’d cuddle my grandchildren, laugh with my children, kiss my wife, and thank my mother. And when the time was nearly up, I’d toast everyone with a cup of tea (well champagne!) and say cheers to the wonderful times we’ve had together.
I’m very fortunate that my life is filled with love. There have been some testing and trying moments over the years, but the fun times have more than outweighed the hard times. I’ve never thought of work as work and play as play – to me, it’s all living. I can’t think of a more fitting way to go out, then with the celebration of all celebrations, surrounded by loved ones.
If you only had 65 minutes to live, what would you do in that time? I’d love to hear your response in the comments below. Or, if you’re based in the UK, share your answer over on our Virgin Red app to earn points and live a life more Virgin.