Welcoming Lola to the world
Freddie and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our beautiful daughter. Born on December 29th at 7lb 5oz - this time around everything went perfectly!
Etta and Artie are really excited and it was wonderful to introduce them to their new sister. They tiptoed into the hospital room and stood on a chair to peer into the cot, very wide-eyed and curious about their new sibling.
We had decided to wait until our baby was born to find out whether she was a boy or a girl, and it was a lovely surprise. Artie let out a big “Yes!” when we told them – he had been saying he wanted a sister all along.
We named her Lola Snow Templeman Andrewes. Etta’s middle name is winter, so when she suggested “Snowy” as a name, we thought it was very fitting. Templeman is my mum’s maiden name and she was so delighted to hear we had chosen it for Lola.
We got home on New Year’s Eve and it was amazing to see in the New Year as a family of five. We were all so tired we were in bed at nine – but I did manage to catch some fireworks out of the window while feeding Lola at midnight.
Happy New Year from our now ‘family of five’ to you and yours.