A tribute to Eve Branson

Eve Branson
Eve Branson
Florence Devereux
by Florence Devereux
10 February 2021
Florence Devereux is the granddaughter of Eve and daughter of Vanessa Branson. An artist, curator, astrologer, and advisor of The Eve Branson Foundation (EBF), Florence has grown up regularly visiting Morocco and is passionate about working alongside the Berber people of the Atlas Mountains.

Below Florence shares a beautiful tribute to her grandmother Eve, who sadly passed away earlier this year.

It has been just over two weeks since beloved Granny and mother, indomitable friend and visionary woman, Eve Branson passed away. As her granddaughter, I have been lucky enough to witness the outpouring of love for Granny since her passing and to be surrounded by stories of Granny’s adventurous life. Granny’s work with the Eve Branson Foundation comes up time and time again as one of her key life passions and work that she considered her most important.

Granny believed that all people, no matter their gender, race, or background should have access to the tools and education needed to gain autonomy over their finances and consequently their lives. This creative freedom was core to Granny’s values and she worked at equipping local people in the mountains with this access.

Granny had a strong emotional connection with the Atlas Mountains. EBF Project Manager, Zoubair, and Granny would both tell me that she used to get off the plane from London, tired and weary, but as soon as Zoubair turned the corner out of Marrakech and the Atlas road opened up, Granny would start singing! All of the trips I had with Granny to visit the foundation were full of fun and excitement and Granny’s enthusiasm for the mountains and the people there was contagious.

Although the founder and figurehead of the Eve Branson Foundation has passed on, the deep-rooted system that has been cultivated at EBF over the last 20 years will, I am certain, ensure a flourishing future for the foundation.

As her granddaughter and someone who has been deeply affected by Morocco – in both my childhood and working life - I will continue to support the foundation through endeavouring to channel Eve's vision and instinct. This is no easy task, but Granny would always encourage trying the near impossible.

I look forward to getting to know the work being done in the wider community, learning how the rich craft heritage is evolving in the region, and supporting the continuation of Granny’s great work.

The Eve Branson Foundation continues to rely on people’s generous donations to be able to continue Eve's legacy of helping rural communities in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Right now, these communities need support more than ever due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Donations will supply essential provisions and aid future recovery in the region.