Grandparents' love

Etta and Artie lay on stuffed bunny toys, drinking a bottle
Image from
Holly Branson
Holly Branson's writing
Published on 26 February 2019

Happy Tuesday all!

Yesterday, my dad shared a really lovely blog post about all of the things he wants to teach his grandchildren. I feel so fortunate that my kids get to grow up and learn from four brilliant, loving and selfless grandparents.

Joan Branson lying on a bed with her grandchildren, Etta and Artie
Image by

Here is a wonderful poem just for you, Grand-dude Richard, Amma Joan, Granny Jill and Granddad Bill. 

Grandparents' Advice

Don't pamper the baby,

Don't run to each cry;

Don't rock that new infant

And don't lullaby;

Don't coddle or cuddle,

That's all there is to it!

Don't spoil that sweet baby,

Let us grandparents do it!

- Mary R. Hurley

Etta, Artie and Lola and incredibly lucky to have you in their lives. Thank you for being the wonderful, nurturing humans that you are.